There’s the two of us, a marmalade cat, and a golden retriever. We amble, and we ramble.

We are Kelly and Edward Kane, plus our marmalade cat Henry and our golden retriever Daisy. I work as a high school English teacher, and Eddie works as a school bus driver. Henry works to catch bugs and perfect his naps, and Daisy is a professional lazy-puppers. Together, we travel the country, exploring all of our American neighbors and landscapes. This kind of lifestyles requires a different mindset, so we focus on the health and wellbeing of the whole person: mind, body, and spirit.

We’ve always been interested in alternate ways of doing anything, and at this stage of our lives, combining our wide and varied passions is our way of approaching retirement. We explore, and we write, all with holistic health and alternate viewpoints in mind. We’re we sure do a lot more than that, but those are the things we’re focusing on for now. We, along with our furry friends, travel and experience as much as this world as to offer. We want to share it with you!

You’ve only got one life, one shot on this gorgeous planet. We do not intend to waste any days or moments. To that end, we are here to prove to ourselves that our dreams, no matter how cockamamie they seem, are possible. We are here to show ourselves that we can think a thing into existence. We can challenge our own beliefs, shape our values, and travel any road by learning openly, trying new things , and embracing every moment.

We will travel down the easy roads, ramble wherever we want, and be the road dogs our hearts tell us we are.